Thursday, 7 October 2021

                  Sydney, New South Wales, Australia!

     Sydney has much to offer the visitor. 
By December, the shops should be in full swing
 and ready for the silly season.

he University of Technology building isn't far away from Central train station and close by one of the oldest techs around. 

I have an MA in Professional Writing from 
The University of Technology Sydney. 

he Lion's heads at Town Hall are something to behold. Each is an individual head in its own right. And Town Hall is not short of lion's heads. 

Want to know the time when you are in Sydney but don't have a phone or a watch? Not a problem. Plenty of clocks such as this one close by Central.

Not far from central there is a building where you will find the three wise monkeys.  With Covid 19 scuttlebutt around they do make sense.   

There are wonders to behold in Chinatown. This spidery design is amazing. 

There are guardians at the entrance to Chinatown that are stupendous.

This is one of the oldest ferries plying the waters of Sydney Harbour. 
With any luck, by December, we will all be fine to travel on her
 or one of her sister craft.

Yours truly, a few years ago under the famous Luna Park mouth.
Luna Park, just for fun. 

Sydney from the harbour. All lit up and looking splendid. 

Hurstville bus station. In memory of times past that took place elsewhere. 

The Martian Embassy, a place where kids can hang out at Redfern. It is near the train station. If you have books you don't need or want anymore, and they are clean, you might care to donate them here at the Martian Embassy. 

The Martian Embassy was created to give urban kids something to do and somewhere to be. One of the places that may well have fallen on tough times because of Covid 19 but will hopefully be up and running for Christmas.  

Inside the old post office building at Martin Place, there is modern art. 
Make of it what you will. It is striking!

Perhaps modern sculpture is more to your liking. You will find that, too, inside the old post office building in Martin Place. 

Queen Victory is outside the old post office building in Martin Place and no doubt looks down on those who would enter.

At Martin Place, remembering those who have fallen for their country.

A rather naughty statue found at Darling Harbour.

A bridge magnificent in design at Darling Harbour with look out post and places to rest on the way across.

Seagulls are a common sight at Darling Harbour. 

On the way to Central station and back to my digs in the Wollongong area there is this mural of a more relaxed time on the train when it was an art to read the Sydney Morning Herald. This was back when it was a broadsheet. 
Nowadays mot people get their information either from television or the internet. 
The Sydney Morning Herald no doubt best exist on the internet like all the other major newspapers. 

  This picture found close to Central Train Station reminds me of the old American television show Casey Jones. It is possible to board an old steam engine driven train in winter in New South Wales just for a fun run.



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Cormorant at Puckey's Estate.