Monday, 11 October 2021

                          Spring 2021! 

On the South Coast of NSW, Australia! 

                 White Sulphur-crested Cockatoos are in abundance 
on the south coast of New South Wales. 
They are not, however, the only cockatoos around. 

           Black Yellow- tailed Cockatoos made an appearance 
at Fairy Meadow last Sunday. Their high pitched call is unmistakable.
 I got some nice photos of a couple of them eating. 
It is because of the wet weather there is plenty of food for them.  

                               Black Yellow-tailed Cockatoos are larger than the more common Sulphur-crested Cockatoo.

Spring also comes with its curiosities.
 This painted stone was found on the same bush walk at Fairy Meadow. 
At first it was mistaken by my companion for a strange, unknown bug.

In Corrimal yesterday I came upon a scruffy looking Kookaburra. 

There were also two Galahs to be seen. 
I got the impression they were nesting close by. 

                   Sometimes looking up you catch sight of a bird in flight. 
On this occasion it was a pelican.

      There have been less birds sighted by me this year than in previous years
 thanks  in part to the pandemic. 
There have been more foot and bike traffic than in previous years. 
                    It is understandable since everyone needs exercise 
and a lot of team sports
 have been cancelled.  

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Cormorant at Puckey's Estate.