Friday, 1 October 2021

 James Bond, Discovery 

     and Doctor Who

The Cold War over? Where does that leave Bond?

It seems to me that the Bond movie franchise may not survive the latest film to come out if it is as WOKE as people say it is. Will the next 007 be a woman and, if so, where does that leave Bond? 

Growing up in the 1960s and 1970s it was hard to miss the sexual revolution that was going on. 

Prior to this time, people thought married women should stay at home and look after the kids. 

Monetary necessities in the 1970s, however, meant that more and more women had to get out there and at least have a part time job to help pay the bills. 

By the time I was past my teens, it was becoming more and more mandatory for that part time job to be a full time one. And there were plenty of women who didn't want to stay at home and mind the kids anyway but be out in the world earning a living and keeping up acquired skills. 

Now many of us, via computer linkups, work from home. 

What does any of this have to do with the James Bond movies? For many of us, growing up in the 1960s and 1970s, those films were an escape from the real world.

 Even a ten year old would know that the movie Bond, unlike the Bond in the novels, was as fictional as you can get. A spy that sticks out, no matter how good, would always be under scrutiny, and unable to function and would quickly be chopped down. In the movies, this was partly resolved in  You Only Live Twice when Bond's death is faked so he can continue with his missions. 

Spies I understand, are as inconspicuous as it is possible for them to be. They blend in. That's how they stay alive in enemy territory and come back with the goods. Also, from what I have read, there's a lot of fact checking involved. Dull stuff that would find most of us yawning with boredom. 

Trick photography, with cameras hidden in most unusual objects, such as in a shoe, date back to at least the early Twentieth Century. They were part of the spy game. Then, by the 2nd World War, came really small cameras that could easily be hidden anywhere. Writers get that right in both the movies and in the spy novels.

Bond, in the 1960s and 1970s, was all about fast cars, fast women, quick thinking and all sorts of gimmicks. Bond often went up against guys stronger than him and managed to win anyway.

 In terms of writing, I always preferred The Saint to Bond but The Saint was also about fast cars, fast women, and quick thinking as well. Mind you, The Saint started out as a thief, robbing gangsters and, even getting into the 1950s, he had the inclination to steal and, at times, kill when justified to do so. 

Back in the day there seemed to be absolutely nothing wrong with getting away from your life for a while and imagining you were Bond, doing the near impossible, and getting away with it. 

So what has changed? Apparently there are those who think escape into a fictional world for a few hours is bad. Bond is no good because he cares more about the mission than the cars, women and gadgets. 

And so Bond, in the Craig era, had him more down to earth able to care more about the women, even if his performances were wooden, and the storylines kept raising the question of why Bond should even exist at all. 

 Unlike the 1960s and 1970s, Bond during the Craig era, could not be out to prevent the Russians and Americans from getting into a war with each other that would result in mass destruction on a global scale. Bonds missions could never be that ludicrously big ever again. And so the fun went away. 

Bond is designated 007 with a license to kill. Even Ian Fleming said that license would never apply in the real world and that is fine with me. Is it now possible this 007 designation will be given to a woman? If that happens, what about James Bond? In comedy a female 007 would be okay but, other than that, it might mean an end to this long running series of motion pictures. Is it time for Bond to walk  away? I don't know. 

Discovery, the latest Star Trek television series isn't my cup of tea for various reasons. Diversity is fine but, when it comes to damaging Spok, a much loved character, I bow out.  I get the impression a lot of people feel the same way. Also, I felt they brought in the Mirror Universe too early. 

We didn't know the crew of Discovery well enough to be confronted with their opposites. I think the modern Star Trek movies are great but there we have some respect for the original characters. 

As for Doctor Who, I don't know if Davies can save the show. The Timeless Child should be gotten rid of but I do have my doubts that will happen. I remain a William Hartnell fan. To me he is the first Doctor Who.        

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