Tuesday, 12 October 2021

 TALK TO THE HAND and Other delights!

   After much wondering if my play, in Short and Sweet, will ever be seen this year, it is now officially to be shown in early December at the Phoenix Theatre in Coniston, not far from Coniston train station. This is a fun play where hands do most of the talking.

      Friend Lyn McConchie, who has over thirty books under her belt, now has a new one  out through publisher Barbara Custer. Lyn is accomplished in many fields. Her farm and her understanding of animals, including horses and humans, does feature in much of her work including her Sherlock Holmes books. She has a vast understanding of weaponry and of how they are used. How does a society end and how to rebuild? Good questions asked by Lyn and answered. 

     Dragon Queen making headway. A few more reviews would come in handy. It is science fiction in which the dragons are human mutations with scale and tails. There is the quest for a better life. 

     Apparently people like the cover of Second-Hand Creeps and the artist responsible has received an award. Sales for this anthology have been particularly good in Canada. I have a short story in here I am quite proud of. 

   Here is an anthology Lyn McConchie talked me into contributing to some years ago. I have a number of stories within but Lyn remains the supreme cat lover. 

     Here we have unusual street art atop one of the towers of the old coke works at Corrimal. The coke works is being considered for redevelopment. This will mean lots of new homes and the possibility of traffic jams of a morning and of an afternoon along Railway Street, Corrimal, NSW, Australia. A second road to take the strain off of Railway Street in the future has been proposed. Will this be enough? Only time will tell. 

     Here we have two Galahs photographed in Corrimal. And so birding continues.

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Cormorant at Puckey's Estate.