Tuesday, 11 January 2022


Of all the places I ventured to last year while in New Zealand Kapiti Island remains special. Half the island is owned by the government and the other half is private. A great deal of effort had been taken to remove non-native species so that the natives have a chance to thrive. Elsewhere, natives have had to contend with rats and other introduced vermin. 

It is a short boat ride from the north mainland to the island. You can stay overnight and, if you do, there is the chance of getting to see local kiwis out and about.

There are kiwi mounds found on the walks but you will only see the kiwis in action at night. One of the strangest things about these creatures is they are a bird with a bellybutton. 

Here we have a New Zealand robin. They are insect eaters. 

Gulls can be found on the island. 

Shags are a common sight, especially near the water.

The island attracts bird lovers who don't mind sharing their lunch with the natives.

One of the locals decided to try my orange juice. 

There are set times when day trippers return to the mainland.

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Cormorant at Puckey's Estate.