Sunday, 16 January 2022

 Capertee Valley, NSW, May 2021

     Found in the heart of New South Wales, Australia, not far from Lithgow, Capertee Valley is a treasure for wildlife photographers and for those who want to get away, for a while, from big city living. There was once mining in the region but, when that petered out, so did the human population.

      In May 2021 I travelled to Capertee Valley with a group from Illawarra Birders. We were prepared for a cold May there since it is surrounded by mountains. It was surprisingly warm. There was dew on the ground of a morning and local creatures making the most of this dew.  

      Local spiders build elaborate webs to catch the morning dew.

I had never come across Babbles before. Fast, energetic birds.

Jackie Winters, birds that make a sound similar to their name, were easy to find.

Double-barred finches could be found of an afternoon where I was staying.

There were boobook owls on the prowl at night and a mouse plague to keep them well fed. 

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Cormorant at Puckey's Estate.