Monday, 27 September 2021

 Birding on the south coast of New South Wales, Australia during COVID 19 

           PLUS Doctor Who 

     Birding has been a hobby of mine now for over five years. This makes me knowledgeable but no expert.

     Presently in NSW, we are limited as to how far we may venture from home. Still it is Spring and with this season comes all sorts of wonders even in my local area. 
     Last Sunday I came across three different types of Cormorant at Sandon Point, a favourite spot for surfers.

     This is the Great Cormorant. A handsome fellow and a good find. 

     Here we have the Little Black Cormorant.

     Here we have the Little Pied Cormorant. As you may have gathered from the last photo, it was a windy day and the surf was up. 

     Pelicans are common but it is great when you do get a good photo of one. This shot was taken early in the morning at Bellambi Lagoon.

     At first you think this is a female Towradgi Beach Fairy Wren. Then you see the blue tail and realize it is an immature male yet to get all of his blue. 

    Always good to see New Holland Honeyeaters at Towradgi Beach. You can find them elsewhere but only here can you get really good pics of them. 

     At Corrimal birds such as Galahs are looking at real estate. Tree hollows are so precious for our wild birds. There are numerous tree hollows in the Corrimal/Towradgi area. 

     A week ago I came across this Butcherbird. I hadn't seen one in my area in a while. 

     At Towradgi Creek there was this lovely family of ducks. 

     I suppose what I am saying here is the Spring has sprung in my area and that is wonderful. I may not be able to travel as far as I might like at present but it isn't all bad. 

     As for Doctor Who, we have our fingers crossed the show can and will get better once Chibnall has flown the scene. He wrecked it with The Timeless Child. Repairs need to be made but will they be made? I don't know. The BBC is very WOKE nowadays and doesn't seem to care about older viewers. 

     Before that happens there are animated adventures coming out dealing with the earlier Doctors such as William Hartnell. All in time for Christmas! 


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Cormorant at Puckey's Estate.