Tuesday, 1 June 2021

 The Difference between The Irregulars and DCs Legends of Tomorrow!

The Irregulars produced in the UK and starring Dari Shaw and Jojo Macari, tick all the politically correct boxes. The Irregulars themselves are a mixed crew of investigative young people, Holmes is a hopeless drug addict and Watson is black and gay. Also the royal disease is regarded as not much of a worry even though, in the 20th Century, it would bring down the last Russian Tsar. This is definitely not for Sherlock Holmes fans or for those who have any understanding of 19th Century London, politics or 19th Century USA. Great sets and look but too much pandering.   

DCs Legends of Tomorrow, starring Victor Garber, may tick some of the politically correct boxes but cuts a damn sight closer to the history that historians know and understand. Yes, there was slavery in the south of the USA during the American Civil War and it was definitely not a good thing. The Irregulars producers disregard this history. Yes, going over the top in France and Belgium during the First World War was hazardous to your health and prohibition on alcohol drinking in the USA did turn out to be a really bad idea. The special effects here are amazing and seeing superheroes and villains romping around in the past, present and proposed future is fun.   

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