Thursday, 10 June 2021

                             Kapiti Island, New Zealand

                                        This island is just off the main north island 

                                          and is the place to go if you have an 

                                           interest in New Zealand wildlife. 

                                          You get to Kapiti via a small boat. 

                                           It takes all of twenty minutes and is not

                                           what I would call a rough trip.   

               There are kiwi nests but don't expect to see a wild kiwi during the day. 
                   They come out at night.                                                       


                                           This is a common North Island robin. 

This is one of the most famous and popular of New Zealand bird life, a Tui. 

                                     This is what the New Zealanders call a Pied Shag. 

                     Lunch on the island is for bird lovers only since, during lunch, 
                     you are likely to have native inquisitive Kakas join you for the meal. 

While I was there on the island last February a Kaka decided to try my orange juice. 

Legend has it this New Zealand Pigeon can get drunk on berries and fall off its perch.  

                                          Here is a Weka, a rather fast moving, shy bird.

                                      You come to Kapiti via boat and you leave the same way.
                                       If you stay the night, however, you might get to see 
                                                   some kiwis on the move. 

                        About Lyn McConchie 

Lyn McConchie’s Another Fire: He’s seventeen, the world is dying around him, while half the country lies between him and his surviving family. He has a good dog, a child, a dying farmer, and decent ranchers to help him – against him are vicious bikers, the greedy, the foolish and the evil. But Jason is learning every step of the way.

   Lyn McConchie, a New Zealand writer with over thirty books under her belt,  has recently come out with Another Fire. It will see publication this year and, when it is out, I think it will be well worth the read. Lyn, in recent times, has become famous for her various takes on the fictional lives of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson.   

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Cormorant at Puckey's Estate.