Tuesday, 8 June 2021

 Poisonous People by Lyn McConchie! 

A New Zealand writer takes on Sherlock Holmes and with some success. Two not so short stories concerning people you really don't want to meet. Lyn is a master story teller who does her research. In Poisonous People we are transported to 19th Century London with its clubs for gentlemen only and homes with secret rooms. Holmes and Watson are in their element and so are Doyle fans. Highly recommended. 

8th of June 2021

There is the promise of cold and rain for the next few days and a heavy storm tonight. I was a bit concerned about Phil Adams Park which is close to Corrimal train station. I feared the local council might have plans for it other than mowing the lawn every once in a while. As it turned out that seems to be their total interest in the sight which is good news to the local wildlife.

 Last year around this time I photographed a Frogmouth looking all sinister in one of those gnarled trees. I like Frogmouths.

Of late Wollongong artists have gotten a tad morbid with their street art. Considering how much many of us prefer summer that seems fair enough to me.

I suppose such art does suit winter in Australia or winter elsewhere for that matter. All in good fun. 

Sinister or just blue? You decide. Found in Wollongong.  


1 comment:

Cormorant at Puckey's Estate.