Sunday, 23 October 2022

 From Drought to Flooding Rain

     A few years ago, the south coast of NSW was in drought. For the past year plus it has been very wet. We have been through a wet summer followed by a wet autumn, winter and now spring. Melbourne in Victoria is presently somewhat worse off  than the south coast of NSW when it comes to flooding but the south coast of NSW isn't far behind. 

    In parks throughout the Wollongong area there has been the growth of various forms of fungus that thrives on damp conditions. 

In the summer of 2019, I was in New Zealand for a week and there the people were experiencing drought conditions. Nowadays New Zealanders too are wondering when the rain that was once so vital will ever stop. Some rain definitely welcome but there is a limit to what is needed and what is good for the country, any country.

     On the 24th of October, 2022, on the south coast of NSW, Australia, there is a Masked Plover that appears to be enjoying the downpour. Good luck to him I say! 

     The rain appears to be relentless. Will it continue in NSW to Christmas? There are forecasters who say that it will do so. Not all winged creatures are happy about the continued wet. Here is a magpie who would no doubt appreciate it if it would stop raining for a while. 



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Cormorant at Puckey's Estate.