Thursday, 16 September 2021

 Photos Taken Years Ago with a Mobile Phone

Two Rainbow Lorikeets at Unanderra, south coast, NSW, Australia. 

Two Rainbow Lorikeets enjoying the water. Splashing about. 

Two Rainbow Lorikeets splashing about.

 Two Rainbow Lorikeets drying off. 


Yours truly with a friend. My main activity aside from writing fiction is going out birding with a camera. 

Nowadays I have given up using a mobile for this purpose. I have a camera that fits neatly in my pocket.
I have been to the USA, Bali and New Zealand. 

I have novels out published by Barbara Custer through Night to Dawn. 

I am in a number of anthologies including Second-Hand Creeps. 

Censorship in the 1950s in the UK 

A book about the British reaction to comic books produced in the 1940s and 1950s.

 In the USA the main criticism was against Horror.

In the UK the main criticism was against American war comics.  


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Cormorant at Puckey's Estate.