Sunday, 29 August 2021

 A Great Review for Dragon Queen

 plus Spring Coming Soon to the Illawarra!

Patt O'Neil, American author: This is my review for the book, Dragon Queen,
4/5 Stars
"Reading this book on my Kindle made it feel longer than it truly was, but it was well worth the time spent. The author created a new world order that carried its message through until the very end. The characters were endearing and the pace of the plot never dragged. I definitely enjoyed reading this book and look forward to reading others by this author."

     Spring will soon be with us. Already we have lots more wildlife making its presence known in and around the Illawarra, south coast, NSW, Australia.

     On Sunday I was greeted by a butcherbird in Corrimal. A magnificent sight and a regular for the area.  

     A Sunday trip to Bulli resulted in lots of photos of birds enjoying the good weather. Of course you also have to watch out for other people also enjoying being out and about but that's life. Here are some terns I have come to name The Three Amigos since they appear to be travelling together. 

       The first time I came across a tern it was keeping company with gulls. As it turned out, my Three Amigos were also happy to hang out with gulls.

 Could The Three Amigos be in hiding among the gulls? I suppose there is that possibility.

     There were plenty of galahs on the move, looking for food. 

 Of course there has to be a Willie-Wagtail showing off!

     At Bulli that day, the seas were rough and there was plenty of wind about as well as people getting away from their homes for a day. COVID-19 restrictions getting everyone down.

 On Saturday I visited Corrimal Beach and came across an Eastern Yellow Robin. New Zealand novelist Lyn McConchie has come to refer to these robins as flying lemons. Well, they are a brilliant yellow and they do fly!


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Cormorant at Puckey's Estate.