Saturday, 26 June 2021

                   Wollongong University

Wollongong University, on the south south coast of New South Wales, combines modern architecture with what nature has always had to offer, making it a rather green place to visit. There are coffee shops and an abundance of art to be found as you move from building to building. 

     The art can simply be there to beautify the grounds as you might gather from this purple woman display.

 The art can also have cultural significance such as being a reminder the Aborigines were here before many of us.

Here is a fanciful sculpture found in a campus pond where you are likely to also find Coots and Ducks.  

For overseas students it is possible for them to glimpse their first Kookaburras here in the campus foliage.

There are also swampy areas where Wood Ducks feel right at home. And yes, across the road from Wollongong University there is Wollongong Botanic Garden with its own wonders. CHEERS!   

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