Saturday, 30 July 2022

 Bellambi Lagoon, south coast, NSW on a sunny Saturday afternoon

Above we have a pair of Bulbuls near the entrance to the lagoon. These birds are imports that are doing quite well in the Wollongong area but are not considered a pest. As you can see by this photo the 30th of July 2022 was sunny with clear sky on the south coast of NSW, Australia. 

 Here we have Starlings looking for food. They are a common bird found in the Wollongong area and are quite common in Bellambi.

Here we have a female fairy wren. Notice the tail feather is brown.

Here we have a young male fairy wren. Notice the blue feather.

This is an adult male fairy wren in all his blue ready for courting. 

Silvereyes can be found at Bellambi Lagoon but not that easy to photograph being a small green and white bird with a white circle around its eyes. 

New Holland honeyeaters can be found at Bellambi lagoon, Corrimal Beach and Towradgi Beach. 

Bellambi Lagoon is one of the better places on the south coast of NSW to look for birds. It is a short walk from the station at both Corrimal and Bellambi. We will be getting out of winter soon and spring is an excellent time to go look for wildlife. Just be aware that magpies may swoop to get you away from their nest. On the other hand, New holland Honeyeaters and other species of bird are no problem at all.  

Sunday, 3 July 2022

 A Handful of Books Rod Marsden's 

Writing has Appeared in!

This is Rod Marsden's latest novel put out by Night to Dawn publications. It is science fiction set in the future where dragons are human mutations with scales and tails.  A female dragon leaves the safety of her island home to discover what the outside world is really like. In order to survive in it she must team up with thieves and cutthroats made so by an unjust society.  Available through Amazon.

This anthology of stories about twins is available through Amazon. Rod Marsden's contribution was a ghost story. Available through Amazon.

The title is the give away and Rod Marsden's story in this collection is one of the creepiest of them all. Available through Amazon.

 This horror anthology contains one vampire short story by Rod Marsden illustrating that the undead can have an unusual moral compass. Available through Amazon.

Put out by Night to Dawn, this is Rod Marsden's salute to Lewis Carrol plus a dig at life in the office in the 1990s. Monsters dwell here. Some you may recognize. Available through Amazon.  

This anthology contains a story by Rod Marsden where wishes turn to horror. The setting is the office where people, desperate for a better way of life, dwell. Giving too man people the better way of life, however, overtaxes resources. Available through Amazon.

Vampires are hunted in this novel by Rod Marsden, put out by Night to Dawn. James Bond like weapons are used to eliminate them. Meanwhile there is a werewolf trying to survive in the turbulent world he has been thrown into. Available through Amazon.  



Cormorant at Puckey's Estate.