Sunday, 15 May 2022

 Wollongong Comic Convention

                             May 2022

     The comic book convention held at Wollongong in May was a great success. There were plenty of stalls selling comic books at cheap, affordable prices. 

 There were quite  few people in fancy costumes in the mall and the public library, 

There were people in fancy costume easily recognized as the characters they were portraying. Above we have The Batman.

Look closely and you will see Spiderman with Doctor Strange.

Here we have Spiderman with a birdman.

Here we have an angel. It was a sunny day. No rain which has become a rarity this year on the south coast of New South Wales, Australia.

Tuesday, 3 May 2022

              Little Corellas in Wollongong, 

                    NSW, Australia

                on the 3rd of May 2022

While visiting Wollongong on the 3rd of May I came upon two dozen Little Corellas in the trees near the train station. 

Little Corellas are not often seen in Wollongong and so coming across them was a treat.  

There is something angelic about these little birds.

They are messy eaters and you have to be careful not to slip on what they leave on the footpath. 

They can be affectionate.

After a good feed nap time for these Little Corellas. 

Two Little Corellas

Cormorant at Puckey's Estate.