Friday, 30 July 2021
Thursday, 29 July 2021
A year ago the virus menacing everyone seemed to be nothing more than a joke. I remember coming back from a trip to New Zealand and there being a lot of scuttlebutt on the internet about people going crazy buying up toilet paper because of this corona virus.
It got more serious when it was discovered that certain people in New South Wales were buying up all sorts of medical supplies and sending them off to China. After that the corona virus became very real as news reports came in about people overseas dying from it.
Two plays I have written are now on hold because we cannot risk bums on seats and so we don 't have an audience. Not much in the way of television shows and movies are being produced right now anywhere. Businesses are looking to governments for more handouts so they can stay in business.
The Birds of the IllawarraIt is fortunate I do live in a part of New South Wales abundant with birdlife even in winter. Going out walking and looking for wildlife can keep one sane. You just have to keep an eye out for crazy bike riders. Some think they own the footpaths and trails to our beaches and lagoons.
Kookaburras sing to us of an early morning and late afternoon. The other day I saw three singing away together on the outskirts of Corrimal.
We are not short on cockatoos of an afternoon. Lots of them about.
Some good sales of late when it comes to my Dragon Queen which is a science fiction novel set in a possible future where mutations known as dragons exist. It is available on Amazon.
Second-Hand Creeps, in which I have a story, is also selling well.
With the way Doctor Who is going right now, I wonder if Wollongong will ever have another Dalek Christmas where we get to exterminate all the bad boys and girls. All in fun, of course!
Monday, 26 July 2021
Cats Do it Better Than people
Wednesday, 21 July 2021
The Latest Issue of Night to Dawn
Plus What to do During Lockdown!
'Yes, Night to Dawn has reached the 40 mark with great writers such as Gerald Browning, Todd Hanks and Marc Shapiro. There's even a story by yours truly, Rod Marsden.
Illustrations by Marge Simon and Chris Friend add a nice touch to the horrific going's on.
It is edited by Barbara Custer who has been sailing this ship of evil now for quite some time. Among the novels put out by Barbara through Night to Dawn you have Dragon Queen.
Of the horror anthologies that are around Second-Hand Creeps has proven popular in Canada and I reckon it is indeed a good read.
So what can you do while in lockdown? Well you could pick up a copy of Night to Dawn 40 or check out Dragon Queen. Then there's going for walks and generally getting exercise that way. I suggest birding in your local area.
With birding you don't have to come in contact with other people and it is a great way to get to know the wildlife in your area. I live on the south coast of New South Wales, Australia. Even in winter we have sightings of all kinds of birds.
Here we have a New Holland Honeyeater found recently at Towradgi Beach.
Here we have a pair of Terns found also recently at Towradgi Beach. They say a tern should never be alone since one good tern deserves another.
White sulphur-crested Cockatoos are with us all year round. Here is a flock of them found in Corrimal.
Photography doesn't have to all ways be about wildlife. Here is an afternoon scene close to Corrimal Beach near the end of the day.
Here we have a photographic study of a rather ordinary plant perhaps made less ordinary when looked upon from a design point of view.
Sunset at Bellambi Lagoon where the lagoon meets the sea can look magnificent.
The moon can be a great subject to study.
It always seems, though, we end up coming back to the birds and what they can offer in way of walks and entertainment. Here is a White Sulphur-crested Cockatoo in fine voice.
Tuesday, 20 July 2021
Friday, 16 July 2021
Thursday, 15 July 2021
Thursday, 1 July 2021
Strange Happenings
William Hartnell's performance as the Doctor set the standard for the other Doctors that followed. Now those in charge of Doctor Who want some woman to be the Doctor before Hartnell and fans my age don't like it. Me? I am not happy with it either. Fine with me that the latest Doctor is a woman. A pity she is given the worst scripts and her companions are about as fascinating as cardboard cut-outs you move about. They seem to blindly follow the Doctor no matter what she says or does.
Poisonous People by Lyn McConchie! A New Zealand writer takes on Sherlock Holmes and with some success. Two not so short stories concerni...
Darling Harbour, Sydney, NSW, Australia These photos were taken about five years ago when no one had ever heard of the corona virus. I r...
Capertee Valley expedition not far from Lithgow in May Not as cold as one might have expected it to hav...